The Sage Burning Writer

Week In Review

Books In Progress

Title - T--- of B--- and S---, Stone Wielder's Legacy Book 2
Pages - 134
Word Count - 28,685

Title - A V--- I-- W---, Novel based on Slavic folklore
Pages - 46
Words - 7962

No new progress this week, but I have been re-edited my novel Queen of Swords and will do a re-release in the upcoming future. I am on chapter 24, with 12 more to go. I should have done a better ob the first time around, but I guess I let the excitement get to me.

Random Line

To Celebrate the re-editing of Queen of Swords, here's a line from chapter 24:

"Her heavily schooled features softened, finally succumbing to my brazen prodding. She had foreseen this outcome."

Book Title Drop
I will post the full titles of my 2 works in progress on Tuesday August 4th. The titles will be revealed on Facebook, Twitter, and on Instagram.

The Sage Burning Writer

You may think that only witches burn sage, but you're wrong. There are many benefits to using the herb in your home other than for cooking. This is something that I have not tried yet, but it is on my list of projects to do around the house. Sage has been used in healing remedies from cultures all around the world including: Egypt, Greece, and Italy. It was meant to protect and increase your level of wisdom.

Some Potential Benefits: - Internally

  • Headache relief
  • Reducing oxidative stress on the body
  • Protecting against free radical damage
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Protecting against bacterial and viral infections
  • As a dietary supplement for digestion
  • Sore throat relief
  • Protecting against memory loss
  • Reducing depression or improving mood
Potential Benefits - Externally

  • Removing bacteria from the air
  • Repelling insects
  • Improving intuition
  • Purifying specific objects
  • Improving mood and reducing stress and anxiety
Historically, the use of sage was during the practice of smudging. This was thought to cleanse a space of negativity or evil spirits. If you wish to start burning sage in your home or office, here are some steps to safety conduct the practice.

  • You will need something in which to burn the sage. This could be an incense tray or a bowl to catch the ashes as the sage burns. You could also purchase a sage burner. Fill it with earth or sand. Don't use a flammable container and keep water on hand.
  • Open a window or door before you start burning the sage. This allows the smoke to exit your house.
  • Put the sage in the burning container and light it. Let it burn for several seconds and then blow it out so that it keeps smoking. If it stops emitting smoke, try lighting it again.
  • If you are using the sage for spiritual purposes, set an intention for what you are doing. This is kind of like saying that you are starting a new beginning. For example, you might say "Let this be the day that changes start to take place."
  • Walk to each room you wish to purify and let the smoke enter it. Do not allow any space to fill with too much smoke. Avoid inhaling the smoke directly.


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