My Corner of The World

Here are this week's new page and word counts. It seems that I make more progress on one novel over the other. It helps me out by focusing on one each week. My other WIP still gets my attention, but one always has a larger jump over the other. By switching my focus back and forth, I feel like I am getting more accomplished each week.

Books In Progress

Title - T--- of B--- and S---, Stone Wielder's Legacy Book 2
Pages - 134
Word Count - 28,685

Title - A V--- I-- W---, Novel based on Slavic folklore
Pages - 34
Words - 5661

Most progress - Stone Wielder's Legacy Book 2, 6 pages and +1307 words

Bonus Feature

Here is a random line from my from of my WIP. This is from book 2 of my Stone Wielder's Legacy Trilogy.

"The nutty aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, rousing my senses."

-Book 2, Stone Wielder's Legacy Trilogy, page 32

Book Title Teaser

Two more letters have been added. Who can guess the titles of my current works in progress?

Weekly Look Into My World

Here is a book from my personal library of sources that I have found to be inspiring and thought provoking. I have always loved Art Nouveau art, and this made for a great addition in support of that preference. If you are interested in unique compositions and long flowing hair, get yourself a copy. It makes for a great read as well.


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