The Cat Owning Writer

Cats As Pets

Basic Facts:

  • Lifespan is generally 2-16 years at least
  • Scientific name - Felis Catus
  • Average body temperature - 99.5 to 102.5 degrees
  • Daily sleep amount is about 12-16 hours
  • Adult cats have an average of 244 bones
  • Gestation period is 58- 67 days

Fun Facts:

  • Cats can jump 5x their height
  • The record for longest cat is 48.5 inches
  • Genetically, a house cat is 95.6 percent tiger
  • Cats can dream
  • Cats have a special organ that allows them taste scents in the air 
  • An ailurophile is a person that loves cats

The Cat Owning Writer

Ever since I was a child, cats have been a part of my life. They may be aloof at times, but I couldn't ask for a better companion. Owning a cat is no different than owning a dog in one respect, it's a long term commitment, so be prepared for many years of furry affection.

On the aspect of a cat's attitude, I find them to have a more independent streak than other pets. They usually don't come begging to be fed, it is expected of you. Of course, around meal times, you might catch your kitty near the table wanting a treat, but will give up once they figure out that they aren't going to get what they want.

Provided that disease or an unfortunate accident doesn't claim their life, your kitty will be at your side for many years. After a bad day, they make for great lap ornaments. Like most animals, cats are sensitive your moods and give you a supportive head boop or purposeful rub against the legs. Once you get their little motors running, I find it to be one of the most relaxing sounds you could listen to.

Of course, there is a certain level of responsibility when owning a cat. If you have a strictly indoor cat, providing food and a place for them to do their business is key. You do have to maintain both areas so that your kitty always has what they need, but be happy you don't have to take them outside 4 or 5 times to use the facilities. While long walks aren't necessary(for most breeds), exercise keeps your kitty in good health as well. A loose ribbon or squeaky mouse toy will likely do the trick. They think of it as pretend hunting. It taps into their natural instincts, and lets their wild side escape.

Overall I recommend a cat as a pet. You won't be sorry.




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