Character Brief #11 - Inside The Mind of An Author

What better way to understand an author's work, than by looking at what makes a writer tick. In this case, myself. I'll call this an introspective account of what it means to me to be an author. You will find questions and discussion related to my background as a writer and as a person. Enjoy.

Karelynn A. Spacek

Basic Facts

Age: 33
Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Height: 5'6''
Hobbies: writing, gardening, walking, cooking, illustrating, sewing, and collecting Japanese Kimonos
Pets: 3 cats named Wallace, Darwin, and Kamiko


What inspired you to be a writer, and what inspires your writing?

- My mom is the primary reason that I write. She herself was a writer and reader of murder mysteries, and almost had one of her novels published. Sadly the company went bankrupt shortly after taking her on as a client. You could say that I am picking up where she left off.

Now as to topics that inspire and influence my writing, I turn to myths and legends as well as global folklore. I am always looking for a unique spin on an ancient tale, preferably about a creature that you don't see too often in fiction writing.

What genre do you write?

- For now I primarily write fantasy, but I would be interested in perhaps taking on a horror story or crime thriller.

Do you work as an author full time or do you have another job?

- I wish I could write full time, but until then I presently work at a casino.

How many novels do you currently have published?

- Right now I have one novel published on Amazon. It is called Queen of Swords and is the first in a trilogy. I am also working on two more novels that I hope to have published in early 2021. One of those is the second installment in my Stone Wielder's Legacy trilogy, and the other is called A Violet In Winter and is inspired by Slavic Folklore.

Do you listen to music while you write, or do you prefer silence?

- I prefer to work in silence, but classic rock seems to get my creative juices flowing as well.


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